Self Confidence is Priceless


Learn more about Rickie Prichard, Carrie Prichard DeLaRosa, Hair Replacement by Eddie Prichard and our Products and Services.

Hair Replacement by Eddie Prichard sponsors NASCAR’s Kristin Bumbera and Mammosafe Racing

Hair Replacement by Eddie Prichard donates $250 to help area women in the “Race Against Breast Cancer”.

In an effort to raise awareness for Breast Cancer AND actually help fight the disease, Mammosafe and Kristin Bumbera have teamed up in a crowdfunding campaign at to raise money to provide life-saving mammograms for women who have no insurance coverage and cannot afford the examination. For each race that is fully funded, 10 underserved women will be given mammograms for free.

For more information:


  Hair Chatter: Women’s Empowerment Week





 Featured on Channel 13






 Channel 13 News Reviews Biomedic Hair Loss Treatments

Consultations by Appointment. Call 713-782-9691 today!