Self Confidence is Priceless

PRE-PAID Club Service You Don’t Use, Want or Need?

Hair Supplementation, like any cosmetic enhancement, requires maintenance. However, our studio does not require you to pre-pay for service you may or may not need. There are no inflexible Levels of Membership as with other studios. We work with each client to fit their haircare schedule and budget. Some choose to prepay while others choose to pay as they go. It is usually more cost effective for the client to pay when they receive maintenance. This way they do not spend money on a service never received. We understand that life changes and flexibility is key. If you would like to research your options with us, I will be happy to meet, chat, email with you. Transitioning to our studio is quite easy.

I can be reached at or 713 782 9691.


Consultations by Appointment. Call 713-782-9691 today!